Wheeling and Dealing 8/31/10

My sister, mother and I went to the movie, Eat, Pray, Love. Mom liked the "Eat" part, I liked the "Pray" part and my sister liked the "Love" part, and none of us liked the whole movie, (though I thoroughly enjoyed the book!). But what I really got a kick out of was a fun moment I created with the $1 popcorn coupon received when paying for my ticket. Popcorn isn't something any of us eat so what was I to do with the coupon? Ah ha! On the way up to our seats I stopped at the candy counter where a pre-movie line had formed and within minutes I was wheeling and dealing and sold my $1 popcorn coupon to a fellow who was just about to pay $5 for a bag. He was delighted having made $4.00, and I made a buck! In the interim my sister, on another line, had bought my mother a $4.00 bottle of club soda!