Recently someone requested, "Tell us something about yourself that no-one knows."

Okay. Most people don't know this but I eat like a caveman, with my fingers, standing up, and as though it's my last meal. I say "most people," but I should actually say, "No one knows this!" 

You're probably thinking, "How uncouth." 


Listen, I sit all day writing, in front of a computer, so standing is such a relief. 


"Okay, that's the excuse for why you stand. But why use your fingers and hands instead of utensils?" 


There's something earthy about that. I think it connects me to my caveman days. And then there's the matter of wastefulness. If I use utensils that means using dish soap and running water, that seems wasteful, so I can cut back on that simply using my hands. 


"Ah," so you say, "but then you have to wash your hands afterwards, and there you go, having to use soap and water anyway."


Sorry, but I've got that one licked, literally licked, after licking my fingers I use a paper towel. A little less wasteful than soap and water. Okay, so now you're disgusted with me and will never come to dinner. Excuse me do you think I would do this in front of you, did you forget, I'm a lady! A lady would do this only when no one was looking.

                                                    I FOUND OUT THAT...


I found out that if I eat potatoes, only potatoes and nothing but potatoes I can lower my cholesterol, stop the acid indigestion, get rid of my creaking, often painful knees, reverse hypoglycemia, diminish my potbelly that has people ask, "Are you pregnant?," along with a few other health issues, like even dropping 10 lbs. Yes, potatoes and nothing but potatoes. You're surprised right? You think it's crazy? You think I've lost my mind? You're saying, "There she goes again, another one of her outlandish ideas." But after hearing from several plant-based doctors and reading two books about potatoes, "The Potato Hack" and "The Starch Solution" and learning about the history of potatoes and that potatoes have sustained life in many countries for many centuries, and that potatoes contain all the vitamins and minerals a body needs to be nourished, I was awakened to the possibility that I could fulfill on my commitment to optimum health without struggling! I spent 7 years in a 12 step program FAA In Recovery with the same objective and came away pretty much the same though I did drop a few pounds. 


So after 2 hips replacements and a doctor saying, "You just might need knee replacements in a couple of years," and another doctor saying, "We should put you on meds, your cholesterol is much too high," I went out and bought 10 lbs of potatoes and signed up for, a 30 day potato challenge. It's day five and I'm still alive and there's a little less of me!!  Onward and forward!